Mermaid Dream School

Ocean Education/Mermaid Cleanups

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Mermaid Ocean Protector

Save our Ocean

We love and support our oceans and we love the water life with it. We educated our students about the ocean and how it affects our environment. Why? Because the ocean is a huge importance to our planet and it covers 70 percent of our Earth surface. It is a big part of our oxygen and how it helps absorb carbon dioxide. Its a place of healing with its rich mineral salts and iodine to help with inflammation, respiratory system, mental health, exercise, skin conditions and so much more.

Our mission at Mermaid Dream School is to teach children how to become an Ocean Protector. It is imperative to educate our future generation about the changes in our ocean and how it affects our community. We hope to create ambassadors of the sea, as we review the science of ocean carbon uptake and its role in climate change.

Our curriculum includes hands-on experiences and projects that incorporate these concepts. We designed art projects that explore creative ways of recycling, planned support events with related non-profits, and provide classes that teach how fun and valuable it is to take care of our oceans. Our aim is to give them valuable information and to enjoy all the memories made at Mermaid Dream School!


Mermaid Dream School Youtube
